let's talk about potty training.


*Non-mothers, feel free to skip riiiiiight over this post.First things first: we are not ready to potty train. Not even close.

Potty training absolutely terrifies me. As in, I kind of wish Everett could just stay in diapers forever because I would rather change diapers than potty train. I'm sure someday I'll sing another tune but for now potty training is what my nightmares are made of.


Everett has gotten into the strange habit of peeing on the floor right after bath time. Which leads me to believe that maybe, if we bought a potty, he could use that instead of the floor.

Am I totally crazy to buy an Elmo potty already? I'm tempted to just have him sit on it for a few minutes after bathtime every night.

Riddle me this: when did you potty train your kid(s)? Did you do anything BEFORE potty training to get the ball rolling? Any special pre-potty training books or videos I should know about? Tell me all your secrets, and thank you in advance.

Also, I promise not to blog about potty training again for at least six months. PINKY SWEAR.


romance in the little things.


everett's valentines.